Woman claims pregnant with 12 babies
Beijing (ANTARA News/Xinhuanet-OANA) - A woman in Tunisia is pregnant with a record-breaking 12 babies, according to media reports Tuesday.
The teacher, who has not yet been named, is expecting six boys and six girls.
She conceived the babies following fertility treatments after suffering a number of miscarriages.
Dr. Mark Hamilton, of the British Fertility Society, confirmed the extraordinary pregnancy in Gafsa, Tunisia, was possible, but carried "colossal" risks.
The woman, who will need constant medical monitoring, reportedly told doctors she was "feeling fine and looking forward to hugging her six boys and six girls."
The father, named in reports only as Marwan, claimed his wife wanted to give birth naturally, but medical experts said this would be impossible.
Nadya Suleman of Bellflower, Calif., currently holds the record for the longest-living octuplets in history.(*)