Police investigating source of terrorists` funds
Semarang (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian police are currently investigating the source of funds used by the terrorist network led by Noordin M Top, a spokesman said.
"We are making use of sophisticated IT technology for the purpose, and will involve the Financial Transaction Analysis and Reporting Center (PPATK)," the head of the National Police`s public relations division, Inspector General Nanan Soekarna, said at a function at the Police Academy here on Saturday.
He said finding the terrroists` donors was very important because a lot of funds must have been involved in their recruiting or operational activities.
"Right now it is all still being investigated by a team in the field using those methods," he said.
Regarding the call of the National Commission on Human Rights that the police should continue to respect human rights in their operations, Nanan said arrests of terror suspects were always carried out according to certain procedures.
"The case of a terrorist suspect being killed occured because it was a must to avoid more victims from the police as well as the community," he said.
Nanan said, since 2000, a total of 437 terrorists had been brought to justice.
Regarding restrictions on the sale of chemical substances, he said they were imposed as part of efforts to monitor distribution of the substances in the community.
"We do not intend to create problems for buyers and only want to monitor their purchases and what they are to be used for," he said.
He said the police hoped buyers and traders would help in this respect, especially in reporting large-scele purchases of chemicial substances.
Nanan said, in line with the National Police Chief`s directive, the important thing now was making the people aware of the problem and persuading them to help the police in preventive efforts so that none of their family members would fall victim to terrorism.
He said the police wished people would watch for possible suspicious activities in their neighbourhoods. "In case they find suspicious activities they are advised to immediately report them to the police so that action can be taken immediately," he said.(*)